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People can never really understand each other.

Thinking back, I feel this way because of my former mother-in-law. That time, when Kansai dialect and Sichuan Chinese flew back and forth around me and I called my mother Sis, is recreated on expired 8 millimeter film. The expiration date of the film used is the same year that she walked out on us.




 《 人間の世界はジプシーや  人生は彷徨える旅のよう 》



The tired man standing on the platform is 27-year-old Ayumu Ueno. Facing an unwelcome trip to his childhood home, he goes to light a cigarette. What he finds in his pocket, however, is a jujuba fruit. The shiny red skin brings back vague memories of his second mother, Rèn Shìróng. Born in the Sichuan province of China, jujuba fruits were her favorite snack.

At the time, he didn’t want to call her “Mom,” so at his father’s suggestion, she became “Sis.” As he thinks back on Sis, past and present meet, drawing us into a world neither dream nor reality.

“This world is a caravan. Life is a long and winding journey.”

Sis’s words echo as a refrain— but is this Ayumu’s memory, or is it the memory of a man and a woman searching for the other half of their soul?

8mm film, 8min, color, sound, 2018

Cast / Shinya Ueno / Geizen Shu

Music / Hakobune

Sound / Izumi Matsuno

Director / Shun Ikezoe








この映画ではエキゾチックな果物(棗)が家族の混乱期の記憶を呼び起こします。 愛讃讃は幼年期の継母の奇妙な影響を記憶以上に詩的に表現したものです。色、質感、モンタージュの詩的な使用によって鮮やかになった記憶は、私達が互いに強い影響を及ぼし合うことを明らかにしています。


The stepmother of a young Chinese person went away, leaving behind words in keeping with Chinese Taoist philosophy: “When one person discovers another person’s flaws, the souls of both are perfected.” Early childhood memories of living with her emerge in fragments like blurry 8mm images. Nationality, language, gender – can people understand each other even if all of these are different? “Life is like a wandering journey,” she whispers like a spirit inside “my” mind.

Image Forum Festival 2018 / Y.S.


An intimate, poetic and honestly expressed story told in a magical and sensual way.(IFF East Asian Experimental Competition the award films and jury comments


In this film an exotic fruit evokes memories of family in flux. Jujuba is a poetic rendition of what is more than a childhood memory : the strange influence of a stepmother. A memory made vivid by the poetic use of color, texture and montage which reveals the powerful ways we influence each other.

(Glasgow Short Film Festival, Special Mention jury comment)


Poster design by Riku Hoshika



​シネマテークフランセーズ HENRI - (オンラインスクリーニング)

第6回モスクワ実験映画祭 - Illyuzion Cinema(モスクワ・ロシア)

Experimental Film Culture vol.3 in Japan ~ポレポレオルタナティブ - ポレポレ坐(東京)

CARING ENOUGH TO REMEMBER - The Projector(シンガポール)

TIME ESSENTIAL - ミニキノ(インドネシア)



Interdisciplinary Art Project Kobe 2020 vol.5「反映画、映画する」 - 元町映画館(神戸)

イメージフォーラムフェスティバル2020 - シアターイメージフォーラム(東京)



Cine Experimental de Japón - Kino Palais(ブエノスアイレス・アルゼンチン)

第17回ウラジオストック環太平洋国際映画祭 パシフィック・メリディアン - OPEN AIR CINEMA(ウラジオストク・ロシア)

ショートムービーセレクション Vol.3 池添俊&キノコヤ presents 8ミリフィルム上映会 - キノコヤ(東京)

ニューヨーク・ジャパン・シネフェスト2019 - 短編プログラム2 - アジア・ソサエティ(ニューヨーク・アメリカ)

第19回 ニッポン・コネクション2019 短編作品部門 - Naxoshalle Kino(フランクフルト・ドイツ)

第43回 香港国際映画祭  短編コンペティション部門  - Tai Kwun JC Cube, PREMIERE Elements(香港)

第12回 グラスゴーショートフィルムフェスティバル インターナショナルコンペティション部門 - GFT3(グラスゴー・イギリス)

!8  [番外編] ワンカートリッジ&『愛讃讃』 - とびうお kitchen(東京)




イメージフォーラム・フェスティバル2018  東アジア・エクスペリメンタル・コンペティション(愛知・神奈川・京都・東京)

!8 to !!16  [exclamation-8 to exclamation-16] - ルーメン・ギャラリー(京都)、イメージフォーラム(東京)


Cinémathèque Française HENRI, online screening

6th MIEFF, Illyuzion Cinema (Moscow, Russia)

Experimental Film Culture vol.3 in Japan, PolePole Za (Tokyo)

CARING ENOUGH TO REMEMBER, The Projector (Singapore)

TIME ESSENTIAL, Minikino (Indonesia)



Interdisciplinary Art Project Kobe 2020 vol.5 "Anti-movie, make a movie.”, Motomachi Eigakan (Kobe)

Image Forum Film Festival 2020, Screening Collective "SpiceFilms”, Theater Image Forum (Tokyo)



Cine Experimental de Japón, Kino Palais(Buenos Aires, Argentine)

The 17th Vladivostok International Film Festival of Asian-Pacific countries -Pacific Meridian-, OPEN AIR CINEMA (Vladivostok, Russia)

Short Movie Selection Vol.3 - Shun Ikezoe & 8mm film screening, Kinokoya (Tokyo)

New York Japan CineFest 2019, Asia Society (New York, USA)

Nippon Connection, Naxoshalle Kino (Frankfurt, Germany)

The 43rd Hong Kong International Film Festival, Short Film Competition, Tai Kwun JC Cube, PREMIERE Elements (Hong Kong)

The 12th Glasgow Short Film Festival, International Competition, GFT 3 (Glasgow, UK)

!8 [Extra] one cartridge & JUJUBA, tobiuo kitchen (Tokyo)



The 40th Pia Film Festival (Fukuoka, Kyoto, Tokyo)

Image Forum Festival 2018 East Asia Experimental Competition (Aichi, Kanagawa, Kyoto, Tokyo)

!8 to !!16 [exclamation-8 to exclamation-16], Lumen Gallery, Image Forum (Kyoto, Tokyo)


2019    第12回 グラスゴーショートフィルムフェスティバル インターナショナルコンペティション部門 スペシャルメンション授与

2018    イメージフォーラム・フェスティバル2018 東アジア・エクスペリメンタル・コンペティション 優秀賞

2019    The 12th Glasgow Short Film Festival  International Competition / Special mention

2018    Image Forum Festival 2018 East Asian Experimental Competition / Award for Excellence

©Shun Ikezoe

   designed by Eri Saito

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