See you in my dreams
目覚めた時にはあの人はもういないかもしれない -
By the time you wake up, they might be gone―
For me, “mother” means my grandmother, who raised me with undying affection. She is gradually dying. I thought that I would definitely regret it if I didn't listen to my grandmother’s story, so I started going to her house and collected her voices little by little since summer two years ago. She told me the story of her first romance.
She get worse at the beginning of last year. Seeing that she talks as if her memory is muddy, "She is now dreaming of memory," said my father.
At that time, the house that I lived with her was about to be lost. I mixed the voice of her memories and the breath of the house in a soundtrack. And then, I shot the sequence of the dream with 8mm film. I have heard that “the dream you see in the morning is a message from the pure land (a kind of heaven in Buddhism)”, but what kind of world is pure world? What kind of dream does my grandmother have? This film is dedicated to my "mother" grandmother.
We see a woman lying down. She awakens from a dream of a festival she visited in her youth to a scene that feels familiar. Remniscing on her first love, her marriage, giving birth, and meeting the love of her life, she wanders for a while. Was the place she met him again a dream, or was it Heaven? Was the one she met her first love, or the love of her life? This is a story about love, and about one woman.
8mm film, 18min30sec, B&W, sound, 2020
Cast / Yukino Murakami / Shinya Ueno
Monologue / Teiko Ikezoe / Yukino Murakami
Music / duenn
Sound design / Takuya Kawakami
Cinematography / Shin Yonekura / Shun Ikezoe
Director / Shun Ikezoe
執筆:Giampiero Raganelli イタリアの映画批評サイト「Quinlan」2020.8.28
執筆:Marko Stojiljković セルビアの映画批評サイト「Ubiquarian」 2020.8.3
written by Giampiero Raganelli, Italian film review site "Quinlan", 2020.8.28
written by Marko Stojiljković, Serbian film review site "Ubiquarian", 2020.8.3
Poster design by Riku Hoshika
シネマテークフランセーズ HENRI - (オンラインスクリーニング)
らせんの映画祭2021 - 逗子文化プラザ さざなみホール (神奈川)
EXiS 2021 インターナショナルコンペティション部門(ソウル・韓国)
第5回エクラ映画祭 - オンラインスクリーニング(ブラジル)
Experimental Film Culture vol.3 in Japan 〜ポレポレオルタナティブ - ポレポレ坐(東京)
第18回ウラジオストク環太平洋国際映画祭パシフィック・メリディアン ショートフィルムコンペティション部門(ウラジオストク・ロシア)
Black Canvas 映画祭 2020 インターナショナルショートフィルムコンペティション部門(メキシコ)
第58回 ニューヨーク映画祭 Currents部門(ニューヨーク・アメリカ)
第56回 ペサロ映画祭 コンペティション部門(ペサロ・イタリア)
第31回 マルセイユ国際映画祭 フラッシュコンペティション部門(マルセイユ・フランス)
Cinémathèque Française HENRI, online screening
Spiral Film Festival, Zushi Culture Plaza Sazanami Hall (Kanagawa)
EXiS, International Competition (Seoul, Korea)
5th Festival ECRÃ, online screening (Brazil)
Experimental Film Culture vol.3 in Japan, PolePole Za (Tokyo)
the Pacific Meridian International Film Festival of Asian Pacific Countries in Vladivostok
Black Canvas Film Festival (Mexico)
58th New York Film Festival (Film at Lincoln Center / New York, USA)
56th International Exhibition of the New Cinema (Teatro Sperimentale - Sala Grande / Pesaro, Italy)
Marseille International Film Festival (Théâtre du Gymnase, La Baleine, Cinéma Les Variétés 3 / Marseille, France)